
Assistant Professor

University of Global Health Equity

Kigali, Rwanda

Department of Humanities and Social sciences (Head)




    • 2022 (avec Loïs Bastide), Family Violence and Social Change in the Pacific Islands. Abingdon: Routledge.
    • 2021 Slavery and Essentialism in Highland Madagascar: Ethnography, History, Cognition. LES Monographs on Social Anthropology. Abingdon: Routledge.


Chapitres d’ouvrages

  • 2021 Funerary speeches and marital investigations in highland Madagascar. In J. Fox (Ed.), Austronesian Paths and Journeys (pp. 77-91). Canberra: ANU Press.
  • 2021 Uncleanliness, inequality, and essentialism: legacies of slavery in the southern highlands of Madagascar. POMEPS Studies 44. Online publication.
  • 2019 (avec Dominique Somda) Slavery and post-slavery in Madagascar: An overview. In T. Falola, D., R. J. Parrott & D. Porter Sanchez (Eds.), African Islands: Leading Edges of Empire and Globalization (pp. 345-369). Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
  • 2018 (avec Mike Parker Pearson) Collective and single burial in Madagascar. In A. Schmitt, S. Déderix & I. Crevecoeur (Eds.), Gathered in Death: Archaeological and Ethnological Perspectives on Collective Burial and Social Organisation (pp. 41-62). Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain.
  • 2017 La fondation d’une nouvelle terre ancestrale dans le Sud Betsileo (Madagascar): dilemme, transformation, rupture. In P. Gervais-Lambony, F. Hurlet & I. Rivoal (Eds.), (Re)fonder. Les modalités du (re)commencement dans le temps et l’espace (pp. 121-129). Paris: Éditions de Boccard.



  • 2021 (avec Justine Davies et al.) Global health funding applications: brain drain under a new name? The Lancet Global Health, 10(1), E22-E23.
  • 2019 Forever slaves? Inequality, uncleanliness and vigilance about origins in the southern highlands of Madagascar. Anthropological Forum, 29(3), 249-266.
  • 2018 (with Mark Sheskin et al.) The needs of the many do not outweigh the needs of the few: the limits of individual sacrifice across diverse cultures. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 18(1-2), 205-223.
  • 2016 Naming and name changing in postcolonial Madagascar. Pacific Studies, 39(1-2), 201-215.